Protect your baby and do your part choosing a well-designed convertible car seats. It's important to choose the right car seat for your child's safety, and our expert team can help you select the perfect fit.
Choosing a car seat, we need to look a certain thing like the standard compliance label, locking clip, Tether strap, Reclining the seat, Headrest, Isofix, and lining.
Another thing to look before buying a car seat is the restraint if it can fix in your car because not all restraint fit all vehicles especially when they are in the rear facing mode.
Installing car seats incorrectly can be dangerous so parents can find child restraint technician or retailers staff who are child restraint technician.
Other things to look before buying a car seat will be the right size of your car as well as your child.
To choose a car seat that suits your baby, we at NV KiDS ONLINE STORE recommend parents pay attention first to the safety that the car seat will offer to their baby. The car seat must meet NZ standards and provide better protection for your child. Before buying a car seat there are so many things which parents need to look which will be the height, weight and the age of the baby. Paying close attention to installing a car seat in the car to be safe in the event of an accident. Here at NV KiDS ONLINE STORE, we offer the ISOFIX car seat model which reduces the possibility of incorrect installation. They offer greater stability compared to the conventional model.
NV KiDS offer convertible car seats rearward and forward-facing seat with 360-degree rotation. It suits children from birth to 12 years old. And these seats are bigger than most capsules so it can let your child stay rear facing for longer.
