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Privacy Policy


The information we collect:

When you use our website services you provide us information like name, address, Email address, payment method, mobile number etc. 
you will be asked to provide your personal info anytime you are in contact with our store. 

Method of collecting info:

We collect personal information when you deal with us over the telephone, communication by business email or through live chat. We will not collect any personal information without your consent. 

The way we use your personal information:

We generally collect personal information for the following reasons.
    - Allow us to keep you posted on latest products announcements
    - To deliver the products you ordered from us.
    -To conduct marketing campaigns.
    - it also helps us to improve our services, products, marketing activities, content.
    - To seek opinion from you related to our products and services. 

Choose to opt out:

You can choose to opt out emails and newsletters from us by contacting us. 

Security of personal information:

We will securely hold your personal info and will take all necessary steps to secure your information which we hold about you. 

Disclosure information to third parties: 

We will only disclose information if required by law or may make certain persons info available to who work with us to provide products and services.

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